Ep 180: The Pregnancy Hormone – What You Need To Know About hCG

Name two things where more is always better. Our answer is chocolate, of course, and hCG! Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center for a discussion about human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, or hCG. Find out what normal vs. abnormal levels look like. Learn the reasons why doctors monitor this pregnancy hormone early in a potential pregnancy, the value and timing of tracking it and what information this hormone level provides. Our fertility experts also explain what terms like “blighted ovum” and “pregnancy of unknown location” mean.

Ep 179: Struggling With Implantation? Pesky Polyps Might Be to Blame

Polyps may be small, but the fertility issues they can cause are pretty big. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center for the scoop on polyps, those overgrowths that form on the uterine lining and can interfere with healthy implantation. Find out about saline sonograms and testing to find polyps, as well as outpatient procedures called hysteroscopies to remove the overgrowths. In addition, our docs talk about which factors increase your risk for developing polyps.

Ep 178: The Tubal Factor — Fallopian Tubes, Fertility and When to Choose IUI or IVF

Today, we’re talking tubes. Not the London subway system kind, but fallopian tubes.Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they talk about the tubal factor and infertility. Learn how we test for tubal problems and what healthy tubes vs. unhealthy tubes look like (our docs were really using their noodles on this one!). Find out which tubal factors make you a good candidate for IUI and which may make IVF a better option. 

Ep 177: Speaking of Men — Answering Listener Questions about Male Infertility

Make some popcorn, grab your man and settle in because we’re all about the guys today. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they answer listener questions about male infertility. Our docs discuss everything from Klinefelter’s Syndrome, low sperm motility and the new Sperm QT™ test to male hypertension, calcium channel blockers and male fertility vitamins.

Ep 176: A Delicate Disposition – Deciding What to Do with Unused Embryos

When many patients begin fertility treatment, one of their biggest concerns is what they will do with their leftover embryos, known as embryo disposition. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center for a discussion about the decisions IVF patients have to make about their remaining embryos. Should they donate their embryos to other couples or researchers or dispose of them? What happens in the case of divorce, death or a break-up with a partner? Can they limit insemination to create fewer embryos? Our docs tackle patients’ vital concerns.

Ep 175: Ready for IVF? Consider These Factors First

To proceed or not to proceed, that is the question (at least when it comes to IVF).  Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss the many issues that can affect your decision to move to IVF. Ask yourself how important time is in your fertility journey. Think about illnesses and genetic conditions that could affect your pregnancy and your baby. Does IVF fit into your values and religious beliefs? Finally, can you afford treatment? If not, how can you finance your care, and are you comfortable with that? Food for thought!

Ep 174: Surface Prep – Discussing the Medications Involved in Frozen Embryo Transfers

It’s all about the lining! Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they talk about which medications they use to prepare the endometrial lining for a successful frozen embryo transfer, or FET. From estrogen and progesterone in the preparation phase to the “voodoo” adjunct meds individual docs use to increase the chances of an embryo transfer that leads to a positive pregnancy test, our docs share their ideas.

Ep 173: Medicated, in a Good Way — What You Need to Know about IVF Medications

The big box of IVF medications has arrived. Now what do you do with it? Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they provide practical tips about how to handle the large amounts of medications involved in IVF. From how to unpack the meds (yes, there are things you need to know) to preparing for holidays and weekends, our docs have the 411. They also talk about the purpose of different types of medications.

Ep 172: Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 — Answering Listener Questions about Fertility Testing

FSH, AMH, LH…so many acronyms, so many tests! Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they answer interesting listener questions about fertility testing. Listeners’ queries range from questions about a bicornuate or septate uterus to poor results from a sperm analysis. From ovarian reserve testing and thyroid tests to imaging procedures, our knowledgeable doctors explain how different tests and test results impact fertility treatment.

Ep 171: A Firm Foundation—Talking With Dr. Bruce Lessey About a Test That Provides Hope for Women Who Have Implantation Failures

Women who have repeatedly experienced implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss and miscarriages have reason to hope. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they chat with Dr. Bruce Lessey about ReceptivaDX™, a revolutionary fertility test that is recommended for situations where IVF doesn’t yield results despite favorable circumstances. He explains how endometrial biopsy analysis can help determine whether women have endometriosis and which steps to take next to help them have a successful pregnancy. We also talk about Lupron suppression treatment and new tests that may be coming to improve implantation outcomes.