It’s possible to get pregnant easily and welcome a baby, but then struggle when you try to have a second (or a third) child. This is called secondary infertility. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss the different causes of secondary infertility and the treatment options that they use to help their patients grow their families.
Ep 76: “The Testing We’re Not Going to Do” – All About Obsolete Testing
Things live on the internet forever. This includes obsolete types of fertility testing like the postcoital test, the Clomid challenge test and ovarian antibody testing. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss the different types of obsolete fertility tests and explain why they no longer use them.
Ep 75: “Shared Maternity” – Exploring Reciprocal IVF
Did you know that both women in a same-sex relationship can play a role in bringing a child into the world? It’s true, and a treatment called reciprocal IVF, or shared maternity, makes it possible. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they interview Dr. Kristin Van Heertum. Listen as Dr. Van Heertum explains how reciprocal IVF works and how she helps women decide who should provide the eggs and who should carry the pregnancy.
Ep 74: Two Dads and a Baby – Family-Building for Same-Sex Male Couples
Same-sex male couples have more options than just adoption. In fact, egg donation and gestational surrogacy can make biological parenthood possible for hopeful fathers. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss the different steps of family-building for same-sex male couples. They’ll review everything from sperm collection to embryo transfer.
Ep 73: All About OHSS – Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
If you’re taking fertility medications, you may have questions about ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, also known as OHSS. Thankfully, the Fertility Docs have the answers you need. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, or OHSS. Listen as they discuss everything from what causes this condition to who is more likely to experience it. You’ll also learn how these docs prevent OHSS in their practices.
EP 72: “I’m Not in the Mood” – Low Libido in the Childbearing Years
Low libido isn’t just a problem for women during menopause. It can happen at any age. Thankfully, the right diagnosis and treatment can help you get in the mood again. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they interview a special guest, Brooke Faught of the Women’s Institute for Sexual Health. This expert and the Fertility Docs discuss everything from treatments for low libido in women to how often most people are having sex.
Ep 71: Helping Two Moms Conceive – Family-Building for Same-Sex Female Couples
Advances in reproductive medicine have given same-sex female couples lots of family-building options, including donor sperm IUI and reciprocal IVF. The Fertility Docs are here to explain them all. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss the first visit with a fertility doctor, options for selecting a sperm donor and how they create the best fertility treatment plan for each couple.
Ep 70: “Answering All Your Questions” – Listener Questions and Doc Answers
The Fertility Docs get a lot of questions from our listeners. This episode is dedicated to answering some of these queries. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they answer questions that range from, “Why would a doctor put a fertility patient on birth control pills,” to “Does it matter if you shave before an exam?”
Ep 69: “Improving The Odds” – All About IUI
Artificial insemination, intrauterine insemination, IUI. Did you know that all these terms refer to the same fertility treatment? Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss this family-building option. They’ll explain how IUI works, who can benefit from it and the odds of conceiving when using this treatment.
Ep 68: “There Are Two Different Paths” – Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Treatment
Premature ovarian insufficiency can interfere with health and fertility, but thankfully, there are treatments that can help with both concerns. Join Dr. Carrie Bedient from The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center as they discuss the two different treatment paths for premature ovarian insufficiency. Listen as the Fertility Docs explain the treatment options for patients who want to conceive as well as those who don’t.